March 16, 2014

"Strain 935" Troopers Complete (Finally!)

Well I have finally done it! I completed the largest unit of minis I have ever made (kinda sad but for me its something). These guys have been on my to do list ever since I finished my test model months ago, and now thanks to rampant illness and other life delays (I guess?) I found the time to sit down and paint the suckers. They were actually pretty fun to paint. I knew they were gonna receive a healthy coating of Typhus Corrosion and Blood for the Blood God so I didn't have to worry about neatness as much. So here ya go, my squad of Nurgle themed bio-terror troops that I have code named "Strain 935":

This guys comes "equipped" with a nasty little bio-plasma flame thrower for extra crispy carnage!

 Here is another with an integrated power sword.

This is my original test model, now joined by several brethren equipped with various rending claws, crushing hand-jaws and puncturing bone spears!

Now these last two models are probably my favorite. I love the chainsaw arms and when applying the gore I got to think "what happens when you are hacking through foe after foe with a chainsaw arm?" The answer was something that looks like these guys:

I think that last model is my favorite out of all of them!

And of course a group shot:

I would hate to be on the receiving end of that charge!

Well I hope it was worth the wait (if anyone was actually waiting to see them... )

In real 40K game terms these guys could be run as Possessed or perhaps even re-flavored Khorne Berserkers? The possibilities end only with your imagination and what your opponent is okay with :)

Hopefully I can ride this will to actually paint for a while and get some stuff I have laying around done for a change! Thanks for looking!

March 8, 2014

Big Plans

So I recently learned that a GW store will be opening about 3 minutes away from my house... Awesome! A friend of mine also revealed that he has some old Tau models still in the sprue. So after some talking, we came up with the idea of actually building our respective armies, learning to actually PLAY WH:40K, and once we are established we would start a special campaign game. Details are in the works, but I think if we can do it right it will be epic!

This is a pretty big thing for me personally since I had never actually planned to learn the 40K rules. But why would I then spend large amounts of money collecting sets and bits and have a 40K blog? I have always loved the 40K universe and its fluff, I just never liked the idea of buying two, three or more $60 books that are revised every few years... plus any other special Codex books (like this one that just came out) if I want to do cool special units (which I am a predisposed sucker for). I had always planned on using a more generic and unchanging rules set like Ambush Alley Game's Tomorrow's War which is a vastly cheaper book with easy rules that don't change every few years... Primary issue with this plan as I soon learned, is that everyone plays WH:40K. So I kowtow to the gaming juggernaut that is the Microsoft equivalent in tabletop war games... and must now find some books.

Now having decided that I will be playing by the "official" 40K rules, I do need to decide the direction my minis will need to go in. My initial thoughts are reworking my forces to run as standard Space Marines using the SM codex, but the models will be CSM and traitor related. I just like the chaos models so much more that the regular SM ones (with some exceptions naturally). Perhaps a play on a chapter like the Flesh Tearers or Blood Angels which are already borderline chaos in some cases. I think I can make it work...

But of course I'll also be making my real Chaos army with Nurgle and Khorne elements etc, so really I could play either SM or CSM depending on my desires that day (and possibly with the same army). Only time will tell, but first I guess I should finish painting what I have built so far...

I have completed most of the work on my Strain Troopers so expect some awesome pics in the coming week, but to hold you over I'd like to share another one of my past works. This is my Nurgle Hellbrute I painted up and I'm quite proud that I was able to get almost every little detail on this model painted! I had planned on buying another Hellbrute and converting him with some different weapons but GW just released their new Hellbrute kit... so choices of ease vs cost there...

Dunno if I'll keep that Nurgle symbol, its kinda meh...

Until next time then. Keep an eye out for my completed Strain Troopers!