November 19, 2014

Ventures into True Scale

Like so many others before me, I have begun to create my own true scale 40K miniatures. I plan on using them as minis for games of the RPG Deathwatch, Rogue Trader, Only War, Black Crusade, and Dark Heresy etc in which a better sense of scale between "normal" humans and Space Marines can really add to the narrative.

I've found that I like the approach of using Terminator legs, arms, and shoulder pads and standard SM torsos, heads, and backpacks. This creates what I feel is a very acurate representation of the Space Marine form without having to do a bunch of cutting and plastic card/green stuff work. I think the results speak pretty well for themselves.

The first one I made is a Black Templar sword master. I probably wont give him the wrist mounted bolter that goes to the Grey Knights left arm. I will be filling out the waist areas on all these models with pouches, grenades, holstered pistols etc.

The second TS Marine I made is a Salamander armed with meltagun and power fist. I used one of the new bare SM Tac Squad heads because I've always wanted to show off the Salamander black skin and red eyes.

I used a Space Wolves power fist and had to carefully shave off the wolf head molding on the power cord. This made the remaining skull  look a bit more like something the Salamanders might use to decorate their gear.

The generic chapter shoulder pad on the right is just a place holder. I hope to pick up some Forge World shoulder pads after Christmas.

You may have noticed that I've been using DA Terminator Command Squad legs for all the marines so far. I think they give a really nice sense of ornamentation that your standard Space Marine minis are always lacking IMHO. The artwork for WH40K always shows Space Marines so decked out in bling they almost look too fancy to be killing xenos and heretic scum... Almost...

Last for this round was a Dark Angels Apothecary wielding a plasma pistol.

This pic shows the True Scale Marine along side a "standard" Marine and a guardsmen for the normal human sized mini. The TS Marines stand a good head taller than the normal marine and even more over the human!

Now just a bit of clean up and green stuff in some of the gaps and these guys are ready for paint. I'm sure I'll get to that part really soon...

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