April 17, 2014

Cry Havoc!

Now naturally I never work on just one project at a time... Severe hobby ADD has me constantly thinking of new ideas while working on ideas I just thought of. So while I was wrapping up my Malus the Undying, I began to really think about the army he will lead. I have my Strain 935 Troopers and of course Malus himself, but what about the meat and potatoes units?

In typical fashion I think from big to small, and while I don't have any vehicles yet, I do have lots of Chaos Space Marine Squad boxes lying around. So Havocs were up for imagination, and I'll be darned if I didn't just finish chopping up my new box of Obliterators... I now have these neat little weapon sprues with no Obliterators slated to use them...

Now a bit of back-story, I love rotating barrel type weapons! Miniguns, Gatling guns, assault cannons, you name it. So I took the heavy bolter guns from my CSM sets and took the assault cannon barrels from the Obliterators and made happy little counts-as autocannons/heavy bolters (I can really use them as either but will normally run the autocannon stats). Here are the three that I have made so far, as sadly Obliterator boxes only come with three of these awesome weapon ends...

Here you can see how I took SM Devastator squad ammo boxes and chopped off the handles to make ammo drums for my autocannons/heavy bolters. Its much more practical looking than the 15 round ammo belts hanging out of the normal CSM heavy bolters! You can also see the MaxMini ammo belts I used to fill in for the old ammo belts I cut away (but not discarded, those will be put to good use elsewhere).

The heads for these guys will be the CSM helmets with topknots to designate their heavy weapons specialty. I also need to make one more Havoc trooper for this first squad (I really wish Obliterator sets had more of those barrels... ) but I'm not sure what to add. Maybe I'll throw in a flamer equipped soldier for possible close quarters encounters? I'll think more on that later... 

Also in the squad will be an Aspiring Champion equipped with plasma pistol, CCW and melta bombs (head will be the Nurgle Champ head from CSM squad sprue). I did some light conversion on this guy by taking the SM Devastator Squad Sergent arm with pointing chainsword and replaced the weapon with a CSM style chainsword.

And accompanying the heavy gunners and champion will be two standard bolter marines used as disposable wound buffers. I took pics of one as they are rather boring compared to all the other stuff I've made. Mainly I wanted to show how I also replaced the standard bolter clip with an ammo box (much like SM Sternguard bolters) using once again the SM heavy bolter ammo boxes. I figure if you are in a squad of guys toting massive bullet spewing minigun type weapons and all you have is a standard rifle, you will want to shoot just as much and reload just as little :)

The "knife at the ready" look was an attempt to make something that looked less boring than the standard static pose. Kinda looks like he is ready to round a corner and knows someone will be waiting nearby. The white is paper which I am experimenting with as a cheaper alternative to green stuff when covering those darn slots found in a lot of the 25mm bases. It all gets covered with glue and sand for my standard basing anyways so why waste costly green stuff?

Here you can see a little touch I'm adding to my Nurgle force. I have a bunch of these Bretonnian (?) flintlock pistols laying around and I think they make a cool alternative to the standard bolt pistol.

I plan on making at least one more Havoc squad (probably Las Cannons mostly for anti-armor punch) to add to the Nurgle force. Then I'll round out the army with Plague Marines, Malus the Undying, my Strain 935 Troopers as possessed, maybe some Plague Zombies and some armor to boot. All just rough ideas for now.

Thanks for looking!

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