May 2, 2014

Flesh Eaters and a finished Tech Wraith

So I took a bit of a break from my Nurgle force this last week and focused on two projects I've been putting off forever. One was my second Tech Wraith that needed painting and the other was a WFB Chaos Lord that needed converting.

I've seen some nice conversions of the Lord but I wanted mine to be usable in 40K. I also know that eventually I want to make a Space Marine army that can be used as either a loyalist or chaos list. Now a perfect fit for this would be a chapter like the Flesh Tearers. They are one bad step away from Khorne's skull throne already, and their Chapter Master Gabriel Seth is desperate to find a way to stop his chapter from being destroyed by the Black Rage. So I figured "what if he heard dark whispers in his rage, voices that told him his chapter could be not only saved, but restored to glory and power?" Should he answer those whispers, he may be led down the path of the Dark Gods... and the result would be the birth of the Flesh Eaters!

With that mental picture in mind I set upon my Chaos Lord model and worked up the man himself to lead these marines on their downward road to redemption. This is what I came up with:

I wanted to try and tie my model in with all the standard elements of Gabriel Seth's standard look. I started by taking four (!) standard chainsword blades along with the engines and the hilt of a Grey Knight sword and and carefully cut, lined up, and pieced together a proper monstrous eviscerator chainsword for my Seth. I'm very proud of how nicely it turned out! I also built his Iron Halo with the wings from the Dark Angels sprue. Lastly I replaced the vents on the CSM backpack with carefully shaved skulls and added fist full of trophies for The Emperor Khorne. Oh and I snuck a holstered pistol onto his right thigh to give him a sidearm and 40K'ify the model a bit more.

I'm sure I'll figure out a fluffy reason why my Seth is rocking that second sword, but really... does anyone need a reason to have more swords? Maybe he "found it" along with his baroque artificer armor he now sports, which totally does not have chaos symbols on it... Gonna have to keep out of site of those pesky loyalists...

All in all... if the most holy Inquisition didn't have enough reasons to keep a close eye on the Flesh Tearers, they certainly will when I'm done with them!

And now some actual painting! Following the same look of my first Tech Wraith I knocked this little guy out rather quickly. I also got to use a new 30-0 sized brush which was awesome when it came time to try my first hazard stripes. I think they turned out okay... more practice should do them better justice.

And here is a nice group shot of the two servants for my fallen Magos (more on him later!):

Thanks for staying tuned in!

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