April 17, 2014

Massive Update of Doom!

In typical fashion I'm sure I've lost any and all attention to my blog through lack up timely updates. One day I'll get better at this blogging thing...

Allow me to bring you up to speed on the work I've been doing these last two weeks since I posted my Typhus conversion tease.

I have finished my Typhus stand-in and man am I proud of how he turned out! Using Obliterator legs, back and shoulder pads I have made a very bulky and powerful looking commander for my Nurgle force. I also used a Tyranid Hive Guard head to tie him into my Strain 935 Troopers with the eyeless maw look. Some protruding Tyranid spiky arm things from his back take to place of those terrible looking fungus chimneys on the standard Typhus (I really hate those things.... ) and with the head, help reinforce the fact that my Nurgle Lord is the carrier/host of the Strain 935 virus. However, Typhus is a name already used, so I needed a new name. My I present the Reaper of Worlds, the Plague-bringer and host to super-virus Strain 935, Malus the Undying!

Take a look:

For the scythe arm I used a Terminator LC with the claws shaved down to little knuckle spikes (like the spikes on the hand guard of the stock Typhus). The bulk of the hand and arm makes it look like Malus could wield the weapon one handed if needed. The scythe itself is toothpick wrapped in green stuff and topped with a Tyranid bonesword for the blade. 

I think I'm actually as proud of the base as I am the actual model. The dead loyalist marine was a challenge of cutting and clever posing, and I used a Skaven tail for the spine connecting to the Vampire Ghoul skull. It really reads that whatever killed this guy, be it the giant daemon scythe, a withering psychic power or the touch of 935 on an undeserving host, it wasn't pretty.

This pic should show a good scale comparison. The left is my stock Typhus that I was 90% finished painting when I decided to make a cooler looking one. The right is a filler marine for my first Nurgle Havoc Squad. More on them latter today.

I hope Malus was worth the wait! He was a fun challenge to build and required tons of careful cutting and shaving to turn this:

Into this:

Now if only the weather would stabilize so I could start painting him...

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