January 10, 2014

Dark Mechanicus Tech Wraiths and a Weapon Swap!

When I first saw the model of the Cairn Wraith, I instantly thought it would make a really cool looking floaty Mechanicus guy of some sort...

After picking one up I sat down and managed to combine a ton of different parts for a rather successful and evil looking Dark Mechanicus Tech Wraith.
I used:
-Necron arms/legs for the mechadendrites
-A servo skull for the face
-A different servo skull for the cables drooping inside the cloak and the sight on the CSM plasma pistol
-Astartes combat knives for the hands with shaved down SM backpack ports and chainsword engines adding bulk and mechanical feel to the blades
-A piece of sprue that held one of the servo skulls shaved down to make the servo claw
-The rods off a GK teleporter backpack for the spines
-Various chains and skulls to add a hopefully sufficient evil look

*Side Note*

Its actually pretty hard to make Dark Mechanicus units that actually look evil... So much of the 40K artwork shows twisted Tech Priests covered in skulls, emaciated flesh and bones meshed with machinery, cables and servo arms snaking from beneath rotting robes... and those are the GOOD guys! I'll just have to rely on the guys I make later that will accompany the Tech Wraiths to make them more evil looking by association...

*End Side Note*

Here are the WIP shots:

I am really pleased with the arachnid look from the bent arms and his overall sense of motion. So pleased in fact that I went out and bought another Cairn Wraith to build a second Tech Wraith with! More on him later.

And lastly it didn't take long before I swapped out the stick with metal on it from my second Forge World Cultist Squad Leader. I gave him a stun baton from the Dark Eldar Wracks set that really looks more appropriate for someone from a Forge World to be carrying. These guys are supposed to have the better tech right off the line anyhow and my other Squad Leader got a chainsword so it was only fitting...

Here is before:

And after the weapon swap:

Much better!

Working on my second Tech Wraith and painting the first. Updates soon to follow!

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