January 31, 2014


I really am painting some of the stuff I've made... I swear!

But I've had this Nurgle Lord sitting on my desk staring at me and I've had no idea what to do with him. Until yesterday that is! This is what the base model starts out as:

I knew I wanted to incorporate him into my Forge World Cultists somehow, as a corrupted foreman or overseer. What I didn't know was how to get the look I wanted. He definitely needing to be 40K'ed up a bit for sure. The rotted axe would have to go along with all the boils, wounds and shoulder spikes. So after a lot of shaving, green stuffing and careful weapon swapping I ended up with this guy:

*Note* Sorry about the fuzzy foreground/background focus stuff... Forgot to adjust the settings after my wife was using the camera for portraits and only just noticed it :/

I used the weapon hands from one of the CSM (the "Chosen" I think) from the Dark Vengeance box and replaced the bone covered bolt pistol with a standard CSM bolter. I also gave him a CSM head to continue his "I have better gear because I'm special" look. The power axe completes the updated look while the old style armor still gives him a cobbled together look that will fit with the rest of the cultists. I see him as being gifted with superior equipment due to his advanced status on the Chaos worship path.

All in all I think this was a successful conversion project given how long he sat on my desk with not a clue what to do with him! I'm especially proud of the rather seamless integration of the arms and new hands. I think the neck/head needs a bit of work still and I'll probably add some more 40K ammo packs and bits to round out his look but for now I'm calling him done.

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