January 17, 2014

A quick paint break

As the weather is too nasty to prime any of my newly converted models, I have decided to take a break and paint some of my stuff that I primed months ago and then never painted. First up was a quick little job on an Unsanctioned Psyker, who is slated to join one of my Forge World Cultists squads and add some warp power to their plethora of guns. No actual conversion action on this guy, just a plane Empire Flagellant selected because I liked his "imprisoned by my own comrades because even they don't trust me" look. I also tried to make him look extra dirty and downtrodden due to his "accepted in our ranks and suffered to live only because you can fry enemies with your mind" status.

Overall I'd say mission accomplished on this rather quick paint job. May all my future painting endeavors take as little effort as this one :P

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