January 4, 2014


Welcome to the Vaults of Moravec

About the Blog:

Enter this datacrypt cataloging Abaddon87's exploits in wargaming, 40K lore and the converting/painting of little plastic men.

The name comes from the forbidden Adeptus Mechanicus vaults that were opened by the rogue Fabricator-General of Mars, Kelbor-Hal. This act lead to the birth of the Dark Mechanicus and unleashed a tide of heretek creations and forbidden knowledge on the universe.

About the author:

I am a 27 year old American gent who enjoys going by the moniker Abaddon87. I love art, video games, movies, reading and playing games (role playing, board games and of course wargaming). I have loved the Warhammer 40,000 universe above any other sci-fi setting ever since I came across my first miniatures and bits of lore in the late 90s.

I spent a decade being intimidated into paralysis by other peoples amazing paint jobs on their minis. I didn't want to spend money on the minis and do them some terrible injustice with a crappy paint job. Finally a voice in my head said "enough is enough". I purchased a "grab bag" of bits from a local game shop, pieced together a little plastic man and painted him.

He looked terrible...

But I did it again, and then again. With each mini finished I learned lessons and got better (at least I thought so). I just wanted to make things I though were cool and fitting of my own mental images of the 40K universe.

I have finally reached a level where I feel comfortable sharing my creations with the world (and opening myself up to comments/criticisms). My main focus is in the conversion and assembly of the minis themselves. I paint them as well when my workspace can hold no more tiny half completed projects. I want to show people that anyone can pick up this hobby and, with a sufficiently sized brush, can make little works of art.

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