January 15, 2014

Tools of the Dark Mechanicus

So while I was working on finishing my Tech Wraiths, I realized that my Fallen Magos would require something more substantial in his personal retinue. Something with a bit more ooomph and able to soak up bullets and las fire and still advance undeterred. Normally this would mean servitors. Now there is nothing wrong with the standard GW servitors... but I just never really liked them. Surely a Magos no longer confined by petty rules would take the standard servitor template and beef it up with bigger guns, lots of steroids and armor grafts! So in a mad frenzy of converting I have created four new tools for the Dark Mechanicus to call upon...

The Dark Mechanicus Servitors:

Lots of careful cutting and repositioning of the IG Sentinel Plasma Canon power cable bit. It actually lined up perfectly with the two raised circles on the back of the psilencer!

I refer to this one as "The Collector". His integrated harpoon canon allows him to apprehend those the Dark Magos requires for testing. The gigantic saw allows him to remove the parts his master does not require...

A more heavily armed and well provisioned model: 

A big bruiser with an assault cannon scavenged from a fallen Space Wolf:

These guys are a smorgasbord of bits from all kinds of sets. I'll try to remember them all...

-Dark Angels robed legs
-Ork torsos and arms (circular saw arm, claw and harpoon gun)
-Dark Eldar Wracks heads
-Space Marine Terminator assault cannons, armor plates and power fist
-SM Dreadnaught targeters,  purity seals and canister launchers
-SM Devastator ammo packs
-SM Scout night-vision goggles
-SM vehicle spotlights (without the actual light and cover front part)
-Ork vehicle engine parts
-Imperial Guard Sentinel weapons and cables
-Grey Knight psilencer
-Various skulls, chains and spikes from CSM packs

I think I got everything there... I wanted a bit of a rag-tag look but still unifying overall thanks to the generic base of the same legs, torso and heads. I figured a fallen Magos doesn't always have access to a Forge World and/or all the parts he may want. In those times scavenging parts and equipment from defeated foes is key, thus the re-purposed Terminator weapons, crude melee implements and engine/power systems cobbled together and bolted to these guys. I couldn't have asked for these guys to turn out any better. AND they actually look twisted and a bit off so I don't think there will be much mistaking these guys for just beefy loyalist servitors.

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