August 25, 2014

Kill Team Season #1: Game #1 Battle Report

Lord of the Feast, Master of Teeth, may this report find you sated on the meat of our enemies. Our hunt continues and as I form this briefing, we gather the corpses of those who would have opposed us. My Lord will perhaps be amused that it was our own “brothers” who stood against us this day. Iron Hands by the markings on their armor. Know that it is with much regret that I must report that they only sent a single squad of neophyte scouts to bar our way.
As the sun broke we came upon them. They appeared to be lying in wait for us, but the fools made contact via vox and ordered us to identify ourselves and our purpose. The one of us we call “Scorch” replied by charging the closest Iron fool and roasting him within the cover he cowered behind. I called for their leader to meet me on the field and die with what courage he could, and the slaughter began. I must assume that the neophytes thought to use the abundant cover coupled with their cowardly camo-cloaks to protect them. Our marksman expert “Two Guns” proceeded to show them that hiding would only lead to a shameful death, and our weapons specialist “Boil” used his plasma gun to melt away neophyte and cover alike. Their specialists were brought low first, as a hunter knows to break the teeth of the prey is to leave it helpless. Their neophyte armed with a missile launcher proved to be the most troublesome of the lot, but he soon found himself alone amongst corpses. Focus fire quickly turned him into a corpse as well. I charged forth to meet their leader, an Iron Hands Sargent leading these doomed scouts. He was armed like me with a claw, but he was no true match for one who has tasted the flesh. I struck him down in the middle of the field and then began to hunt the rest of his fast dwindling squad. Four more Iron Hands initiates died by my claws and their feeble attacks were met by my bone shield. As I approached the last of their number, my hunters secured the field and advanced as far as the late Iron Hands own deployment zone.

That morning we feasted on the flesh of our brothers, but they are not our kin. No Flesh Eater would have insulted us with neophytes to test our skill and our resolve. They know not the way of the feast. I felt my own constitution grow as I fed on those I had slain, and my hunters know the hunger will be held at bay by the Iron Hands sacrifice.

Our hunt continues, we shall not fail you my Lord. I expect many more will try to stop our advance, they too shall feel the bite of our teeth. The flesh protects!

This was the first game of the Kill Teams tournament I played. My opponent and I both rolled the leader trait that gave an extra victory point for killing the enemy leader with your leader, so we agreed that they would meet in single combat as would be fitting for Space Marines of their stature. No night fighting and we rolled Head Hunt for the mission. My opponent rolled to deploy first but I managed to seize the initiative. My first move was to take my flamer equipped marine and score First Blood on a nearby enemy scout. He would end up dying to sniper rifle fire that round but the FB point was worth it as the kill was also a specialist for the Iron Hands team. My Ignores Cover specialist was key in sniping the other scout specialist and his friends by stripping them of their precious cover saves. The plasma gun specialist managed to kill the enemy missile launcher Marine as well. The real star of the show though was my Lone Wolf leader. He charged the enemy Scout Sargent and slew him in a single blow, while taking no damage due to his awesome storm shield 3+ invulnerable save and natural 5+ Feel No Pain. He then charged and killed his way across the board, picking up four more kills with his wolf claw. I marched my Grey Hunters across the board each turn and by the end of the match I picked up Line Breaker. The match ended on round 6 with the death of the last Iron Hand scout to my Lone Wolf. Final score was 11 to 1. Not too bad for my first game of the tournament :)

As the game took place at the end of the first week, I rolled for my leader boon and my leader gained an extra wound! I also gained an extra roll for making some purchases earlier that week as the tournament started and gained a +1 to my leaders Weapon Skill. My Lone Wolf now packed Eternal Warrior, Monster Hunter, Fearless and Feel No Pain (all stock!) and now has Weapon Skill 6 and 3 Wounds total. Pretty awesome!

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